Monday, February 6, 2012


Do you love my blog makeover?!?! It makes me smile every time I pull it up. First, I need to explain to you that I am ok. I think I worried some of you by my last post. You have to understand it was more of just a way to blow off some stress. It was in no way supposed to be depressing. Mike was in VA for the week and so many things went wrong in a day, I was overwhelmed. Well, now back to what has been going on lately. Last week was absolutely unbelievable!! If you thought I was sad before, you have no idea. I decided I had to make this a post about many things because I refuse to have 2 sad ones in a row!!

The week started off by AK coming home from school on Monday sobbing. When I asked her what happened she told me a little girl had just punched her in the face. As you can imagine, my BP went thru the roof!!! Let me back up, for the people I like to pretend read my blog that who are not family :) AK walks home from school, not because she has to but because she wants to. Her school is in our neighborhood and the sidewalk in front of our house leads to it. Anyway, she explained to me she was walking home with 2 little girls and 1 of the little girls didn't like that someone "new" was walking with them. She grabbed AK by the hair and punched her. I decided it was the best decision for me to wait until Mike got home to visit this child's parents. I will stop there because the story went on forever. Just know that AK said hi to that same little girl walking home from school the next day. I am so lucky to have such an amazing daughter.
On Tuesday, I fell down the stairs. I was holding HG and tripped over the baby gate at the very top and fell 3 stairs from the bottom. We have 19 stairs. It was absolutely one of the scariest moments of my life. I can't get it out of my head. The whole way down I was just thinking, "Please don't let Hadlee die!!" I really thought it was going to be bad. HG was fine and laughing as soon as we stopped falling. I on the other hand, should have had many an xray. My body is now starting to feel normal again and I am beyond thankful that we were not hurt any worse.
Yesterday, was Super Bowl Sunday. We were going to a get together with Mike's work. Mike and his friend Robert took my car with the girls. Robert's wife, Meggan and I left early because we had somewhere to go before the party. We were driving up hwy 78 and Meggan told me that a wreck happened right in front of us. She couldn't figure out exactly what had happened but knew it was bad. As we got a little closer she could she that a motorcycle had t-boned a car and that the rider was laying on the ground. Meggan is a nurse and knew she had to stop to see what she could do. At this point, I am beyond hyperventilating, big time!! Guys, it was bad. I won't go into detail, but the man was very badly injured and that is a scene that will never leave my head. We found out today that the man passed away last night at the hospital. It is unbelievable to me how something can be so life changing. That man had no idea his day would end that way. Mike will NEVER own a motorcycle. I am so thankful for a friend like Meggan. I think it awesome to be able to help in situations like that.
That is enough sad. Here are some pictures from the last little bit.
A great alternative to dessert at a restaurant,
Icing and decorating cookies
I love them
You should expect this by now
Baby Me and Rae down for the night

The day after the "sad" post this came in the mail. Erin Condren can always put a smile on my face. (it's stationary, nana) ;)

I can't get over how cute this baby is!!
AK and her 100 day of school project. We had so much fun making this. It is 100 math problems that equal 100. I made her a shirt that you can't see in this picture that says, I am 100 days smarter.
Cuteness again in her new "big girl" car seat
AK and her new friend, Mady
Had to post it, too funny.

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1 comment:

  1. First of all, LOVE then blog makeover! PRESH!!! I LOVE that you have discovered the fabulousness that is Erinn Condren. And I LOVE those beautiful girls! Oh, and I LOVE Baby Rae. ;)
