Monday, January 23, 2012

A Promise

Today has been a day. The kind of day when you look at the clock and it's 1:30 and you have done absolutely nothing. A day when you realize there are so many things you wish you would have differently, when you realize that things from your past never go away, when you realize things aren't fair sometimes. A day when you realize being a great mom looks great on a blog, but you aren't really always that great. That is what kind of day I have had. A day when you realize that families aren't always perfect, and things you expected aren't going to happen. I could linger here because honestly, that's what I want to do. Today, I am thankful for an amazing family, a husband who is a partner, and for the promise that this world is not my home.


  1. I love you friend... And you are a way more amazing Mom in person than you are on the blog. :)

  2. We all have those days sweet Jama. Look forward dearest...looking back sometimes is painful and needed but forward is the best! You are a great mama. Love you! Amy
