Thursday, February 23, 2012

10 Months

Oh this little princess!! I love her so, so much!! She is really turning into a "little person" these days. I love it, although I kinda want my baby back!!
I think her eyes are finally changing :( They seem to change based on what she is wearing but seem to be the prettiest of greens.
Her hair, well it is slowly coming in. The good news is, is that it is curling around her ears.
She still only has her bottom two teeth.
She is now only taking bottles, eating baby food, and some table food. No more mama :(
She still doesn't sleep. I know she will, but soon would be nice!
Her new thing is saying hi and waving to every single person who crosses her path.
I love this girl!!

HG had her first ear infection this month. Sweet girl tried to tell me for 2 days!! We did lots of laying around because she just really didn't feel good. She was weighed at the dr. so we have an official 10 month weight. 25.8lbs!!! You better believe it!!

Do you see the curls?
We finally got out of the house today, finally. It was absolutely gorgeous!! I am so blessed!!

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