Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Phone

I bet you thought I got a new phone, didn't you? Come on, admit it (mom)!! I sat here for 10 minutes trying to think of a title for this post, nothing. This was the best I could do. The challenge pictures for yesterday and today are of your phone and something new, hence the title. I pictured my mom and dad sitting down to read the blog. Here is the reaction I imagined (and I know this is how it will go). "Ah, Jama got a new phone !?", said mom. "No she didn't", said dad. I know them so well!

Feb. 15: PHONE
There are two things I would like for you to notice about this picture of my phone. 1. If you look in the top left hand corner you will notice a dirty spot. Well, it's hair color and it's driving me nutso!! 2. Do you see my cute new wall paper? I downloaded this cute freebie!! You can find instructions on how to get your own at this great site.
Aren't they so pretty? Mike got them for me for Valentines. He gets major, major props!! He went on my Pinterest board of the things I really like and found them. Isn't that just precious?!? I love him!!
Just because I love all of you, you get to see another new thing. My hair. I got the back combing brush involved and now, I love it!! Sorry for complaining!!
Mike also got me these beautiful flowers that I did not include in my Vday post. I am such a lucky girl!!!

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1 comment:

  1. One day you will turn around, and those earrings will be missing... because I took them. Or I could just make Nick get me my own?
