Thursday, February 9, 2012

Not really what I intended

I know what you are thinking, I already fell off the wagon. I skipped the picture of the day yesterday because it was supposed to be of the sun. Well, if I still lived in Abilene you definitely would have gotten your picture. If I would have taken a picture of the sun here it would have been boring. Let me start by saying I am not complaining, we have trees and I am grateful for that. With trees, comes no beautiful west Texas sunsets. I miss that. On to today!! The front door. Really? I was also rather stressed about this but presently there is nothing on my front door. I wish there was, but there's not. I am hoping later in the year I will have this opportunity again and you can all talk about how beautiful my door looks.

I took the little girls to a Valentines day party hosted by the military moms group this morning. We had a great time!! Sometimes it's nice to vent to other ladies that understand some of the frustrations of the military. When we got home there was one ridiculously large box at my FRONT DOOR. I can't tell you what is in it, you will know soon enough. Don't ask Mom, i'm not telling!! :) There you have it, the explanation of "front door".


This picture is really for my mom. It's just a sweet little house that I happen to be quite fond of :)
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1 comment:

  1. I just realized that you have a super cute signature at the end of your blogs! Love! You're legit now!!! P.s. I'm guessing the box is from pottery barn, or American Girl...
