Sunday, January 27, 2013

Meet Maria

I have always been that person that refused to do Elf on the Shelf.  When asked if we did it, I always would say I didn't want my children to have to have an object to "make them behave".  Well, I took the plunge this year.  Rather than use it as a behavior thing, I wanted it to just be something fun.  Not gonna lie, I def. played that card a few times.  Good intentions!!

We had a breakfast to welcome our sweet elf.  My sweet, middle child, MP named our elf.  Maria, is her name.  Don't ask, I have no idea.  In the beginning, when someone would ask her name, my sweet AK would respond, "Her name is Maria, she is hispanic."  HAHA!!  Isn't that hilarious?  Over the holidays the girls watched The Sound of Music and decided Maria is actually from Austria.  

I attempted to make the breakfast a little bit healthy, thank you Pinterest.

and, thank you again!!

 Maria played many a trick and of course I didn't capture every moment.  Here are a few things we found our sweet Austrian elf doing.

This silly elf even found us in TX.

Sweetest note AK wrote Maria.

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