Thursday, March 22, 2012

The craziness continues

Sometimes you can be so glad to be home, but so sad at the same time. I feel like every time we go "home" leaving gets harder. Honestly, I hate it. Life goes on, you know. I can say with a very red face that no, my bags are not completely unpacked. Whoops!! We can't seem to catch our breath around here. When we got home we had softball practice, homework, projects, and all those other things I manage to sign myself up for.
Thursday, this was a week ago today. Audrey had a softball scrimmage and Mike had practice. Well, I had known since before we were home that Audrey had a project due on Friday, as well as Family Movie Night at the port. Since we had softball, I knew it would be a very late night. That's how we roll. Right, dad?! Audrey had to build a leprechaun trap, therefore I immediately went to Pinterest :) When Audrey came home from school that day I told her I wanted to show her what I had found. I pulled out my laptop and her response was as follows, "Pinterest, Pinterest, it always gets us out of trouble." Ha!! I found the idea here. Of course, I would find the most difficult trap. Oh well, we had a great time doing this together! I was making cupcakes to look like buckets of popcorn for the movie night, so I decided to do it all at the same time. Smart, right? Mom, you should be so proud that I was thinking like a baker!! Ha! I got the cake finished and the cupcakes baked, but decided to let me cool overnight.
Here is the final product :) If you don't want to take the time to go to the link and see the original, I will save you some time. The cake part was made to look like a rainbow. We cut the center of the cake out, put pretzel sticks across like bars, and put gold (chocolate) across the bars. The trick is the leprechaun will climb up the cake to get the gold and fall in the hole. He will have to eat his way out of the cake and when he does he will eat the rainbow, leaving no gold at the end. Cute, huh? It was fun for AK to share with her class.
For the Family Movie Night, I thought it would be fun to give the kids their own tickets and "money" to use at the concession stand. They loved it!!
Here are the cupcakes :) I have to admit I was pretty proud of myself. I will warn you, don't make them unless you have hours to burn, hours.
All the kiddos watching Puss in Boots.
AK and MP loved wearing their pajamas :)
Miss Innocent, yeah! This was right after she had fallen out of the truck onto the asphalt. She put on quite a show, let me tell ya. We went thru numerous bandaids in the next 2 hrs. She loves showing off battle scars now. Oh, MP!!

While we were at the movie night Mike took HG to the walk-in clinic because she just hadn't really been herself, fever and all. She had an ear infection, of course. Antibiotics and tylenol and everyone was feeling better.

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