Thursday, May 2, 2013

Why not?!

So, in the last 24 hrs. or so I have made strawberry jelly, strawberry muffins (from scratch), fixed a hole in a sweater, and cooked 3 meals.  I would say that could qualify me as an adult.  It also qualifies me for someone who is in desperate need of sleep.  There's only one thing left to do, and you are looking at it.  I am going to bed a rockstar!!

Here's what we did in March

We celebrated being 1 year free of McDonald's.  For the record, not the brightest idea to explain to your children how disgusting it actually is.  When they repeat that to other children, well, other moms think you're crazy.

 I got the sweetest surprise package from my favorite people in Abilene, TX,

I found the greatest, best priced bow maker, ever!!  

Sweet precious got to stay up super late with her mama "browsing" for Baby Reed.

This stinker told her baby sister to stick her finger up her sister's nose.  

We had an after softball treat.  Oh, how I miss ice cream!!

We sent balloons to Julia Grace.

Sweet precious drank queso out of a cup, and loved every drop.

I found a DQ!  I didn't know they existed in SC.  Man, that was a great day!

and well, her mom forgot a sippy cup!!
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1 comment:

  1. Precious. All precious. Now, go take that nap girl! :)
